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DCS is honored to be the East Liberty Chamber's 2020 Minority Owned Business of the Year Recipient.

Partner with us to increase the chances of employment for our Community2Work job seekers!

We get candidates prepared and pre-screened for employment and we are looking for partners.

To address the unique challenges the job market poses for both job seekers and organizations, we serve as a community partner helping employers like UPMC and its affiliates diversify staffing. Through customized coaching and training this innovative program provides job seekers and participants with a chance to develop their skills and be matched for potential employment. Will you partner with us?

Why Partner With Us?

With the number of job seekers looking for employment, together we can make a greater impact. In 2020, we engaged over 600 job seekers. Creating relationships with community resources and employers may help these individuals find the right career placement or training. By getting involved, you strengthen the pool of quality candidates that are ready to work, or open up other opportunities to them. This way, you also gain access to resources for your clients, or you may choose from our qualified candidates for your openings.

Download our C2W Partnership Sheet to learn more about the benefits.

We believe that all individuals deserve a chance to develop their skills and be matched for employment. That’s why we have created relationships with other community resources to help individuals find the right environment to meet their particular needs. With the number of job seekers looking for employment together we can make a greater impact.

Our Approach

The DCS team understands that our target audience represents individuals who need the most help, which is why C2W is free of charge for participants. The program is designed to quickly move individuals from at-need to work-ready.

Our goal is to identify potential candidates and match them with a career path with employers such as UPMC, with the intent of developing a more stable future for the individuals we work with. We identify candidates based on need for assistance or support through the job application process. Recipients of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) are strongly encouraged to participate in our program, as well as any individual who meets the government’s definition of “low-income.”

Coaching sessions are available to you with experts who can highlight your talents, skills, and work experience. We also assist with job readiness. Our processes take you from a prospect for employment to a candidate for the right position.

Everyone involved in the program may meet with a professional resume writer to highlight their talents, skills, and work experience before entering the job application process. Optional workshops, coaching, and one-on-one training sessions are also available for individuals in the program who would benefit.

We offer flexible open coaching sessions within the communities, as well as host recruitment and job readiness events in order to target individuals who would benefit most from our free Community2Work program.

Our events are designed to draw in potential candidates for our program by meeting with individuals starting a career, transferring into other fields, in transition, or improving their interviewing skills. All of our partners are encouraged to join us for our events or collaborate with us in helping job seekers! 

C2W: An Inclusive Program to Overcome Barriers

Every candidate for the program will begin with a one-on-one session to determine job readiness. We will recommend a process for the candidate based on the information collected during this meeting. Not all candidates will need to go through the entire program. Those who are determined to be job ready will be referred to the employer. Experienced candidates who do not need all the services offered by Community2Work may make use of the resources we have available to enhance job readiness.

The C2W program is designed to help individuals overcome barriers to employment, gain skills, connect to resources, and learn strategies to build successful careers.

Our program is four weeks long and features a four training series, designed to cover all aspects of the job application process. Each week will feature one of the training topics, which can be completed in approximately two hours. Training can be customized, moved to any location, and be scheduled to best work with the partners.

Dr. Danielle Davis, president of DCS is available to discuss this further with you. Participants also have the option of sitting out through any training that does not apply to the individual’s particular needs. The training topics are as follows:

• Professional Development
• Resume Preparation and Personal Marketing
• Interviewing
• What You Need to Know About Applying

We will creatively work with our resources to assist individuals with their needs while they complete the program and move on to gainful and sustainable employment. Services are free of charge for qualified candidates and so is the optional four-week training series. Currently, we are targeting potential candidates for employment at UPMC and Amazon. We offer Case Management Supportive Services to help job seekers prepare for employment and overcome barriers.

Excited to finally get the job done

Case Management Supportive Services

DCS understands that transitioning into the workforce creates disruptions which may complicate the individual’s ability to complete the program and successfully enter a sustainable career.

If needed, the Community2Work program has discretionary funds readily available to fill in gaps. For example, we can assist individuals with their completion of the program, including providing childcare during training, providing funds to keep cell phones active, and more. The lack of restriction on our discretionary funds is one of the main differentiators from our community partners. Many do not have the funding to support participants in an innovative manner. By partnering with us, we increase our capacity to serve.

Download our C2W Recruitment Sheet to learn more about how we help job seekers.

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