Glen Hazel Residents! We want to hear from you. Over the next 4 months, we…
Davis Consulting Solutions 2016 Anniversary Brunch
Friday, December 2, 2016 from 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Please Join Me and The Team:
I am celebrating my 5th Anniversary for Davis Consulting Solutions and would love for you to join us. We will be moving into our new location.
Please join us as we embark on the next level of solutions for job seekers, entrepreneurs, organizations and our communities
In Honor of This Wonderful Occasion!
Come out, celebrate this occasion and learn more about new and upcoming initiatives with our community and partners.
The Theme of this Year’s Brunch:
“Make Our Business Your Business and Succeed in 2017!”
Guest Speaker:
Mike Capsambelis, Google Pittsburgh
Reserve Your Seat Today!
Bring your business cards and come prepared to network!
A raffle and silent auction will follow brunch.